Tuesday, June 19, 2007

final weekend adventure in Europe

This weekend was my last weekend in Europe and a group of us made our way north to Amsterdam. I figured it was a pretty good final destination.

We started the weekend by renting bikes for the day on Friday and riding them out into the countryside. Although the day had started with pouring rain, it quit right after we got the bikes and the sun came out, it was perfect! We navigated the streets of the city pretty well, I almost fell off once due to my tire getting stuck in the tram tracks, but no biggie. Once we made it out to the country, it was a very peaceful ride along the river. We eventually reached a windmill with a really cute Dutch cafe nearby. I decided to go ahead and try some bitterballen, which are a traditional Dutch snack comprised of fried mince meat and potatoes, they were delicious! After our snack, we made our way back to the city where we spent the evening in the Van Gogh Museum.

The next day, we made our way over to the Anne Frank house. The whole experience was very moving. Although I will admit the annex was bigger than I thought it would be, it's still hard to imagine 8 people living in there for 2 years. It could hardly be said that they were living, since they had to be absolutely silent every night. Still, it's really incredibly sad to think about.

The rest of the weekend was spent basically trying to find random sites and getting lost with all the canals, but it was a good way to see the city! We left early Sunday afternoon because of pouring rain and we were exhausted. Overall, it was quite the adventurous weekend!

I'll put some pictures up from the last two weekends soon!

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